Tuesday, June 23, 2009


My 9 months of uselessness came to an end as I joined an ad agency 2 days ago. It looks like I will be mainly providing ideas for local clients but since I am being asked to work on the ad storyboard along with development of print ads, I am pretty excited about it.
First day at office involved the boss letting me know he is the boss and I am pretty much fine witht that - for the time being.He seems like a nice guy, who started this agency from scratch and has pulled it through some tough times. He has been in the business of ads for the last 25 years, so I guess I could learn a thing or two from him. Besides, he said he would help me figure out where exacty my talent lies. And he gave me a couple of awesome books for reference - International Advertising Design 2 and Clio! Highly suggest these books for those in the advertising field. More updates on the job likely to be the main source of fodder for this blog.


Sandeep Pillai said...

Wow! That's great! How come I never got to know of it?

Heathcliffs Girl said...


Bad Dog said...

Nothing is "official" yet. but thanks!
and @pillai, you were not in town!